Monthly Energy/Angel Readings
March's New Moon Guidance (6401) (Berkshire)
By:Angela Mitchell Psychic Medium
Date: Sat,25 Mar 2017
Submitter:Angela Mitchell
New Moon New Mindset
Light affects people in a way that nothing else does. It motivates, renews hope, energies the body and brings in gr......View
Daily Forecast (5848) (Global)
Date: Sun,19 Mar 2017
Daily Forecast with Prehnite for the 19th of March 2017
You shall become more attuned with the many signs through your awakened state an......View
Daily Forecast (5702) (Global)
Date: Sat,18 Mar 2017
Daily Forecast with Ametrine for the 18th of March 2017.
This is the period to introduce stability and balance upon your pathway. You ma......View
AstroTarotChannel March 2014 (14087) (Global)
By:Tiffany Crosara
Date: Sun,02 Mar 2014
Submitter:Tiffany Crosara
March starts off with a New Moon in Pisces on the 1st, as Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac it heralds a time of a spiritual evolution,......View
Energy Healing (14030) (Global)
By:T Kershaw
Date: Tue,05 Nov 2013
Submitter:Luna Holistics
All healing interactions, have three possible components and this includes orthodox medicine.
AstroTarotChannel April 2013 (11913) (Global)
By:Tiffany Crosara
Date: Fri,29 Mar 2013
Submitter:Tiffany Crosara
So here we are in April. To be honest I am not a fan of new year. With all the drunken crimbo celebrations I find it hard to feel the sacre......View
A Recipe for a Graceful Life (8792) (Global)
By:Tiffany Crosara
Date: Wed,30 Jan 2013
Submitter:Tiffany Crosara
Erm.... I think I might just be feeling Imbolc :)
Look what just popped out!...
1) Weigh up all you have.
2) Get real about what you......View
AstroTarotChannel September (11762) (Global)
By:Tiffany Crosara
Date: Mon,17 Sep 2012
Submitter:Tiffany Crosara
A little review for you half way through the month, hope you find it helpful.
There are a few more awesome titbits below :) Happy Septemb......View
AstroTarotChannel June 2012 (45468) (Global)
By:Tiffany Crosara
Date: Sun,27 May 2012
Submitter:Tiffany Crosara
Wowzers! How was your darling month of May?
What with the Scorpionic Supermoon hailing the Retrograde of Venus and the solar eclipse in ......View
Astro Tarot Channel for May 2012 (10667) (Global)
By:Tiffany Crosara
Date: Tue,08 May 2012
Submitter:Tiffany Crosara
“The month of May was come, when every lusty heart beginneth to blossom, and to bring forth fruit; for like as herbs and trees bring fo......View
AstroTarotChannel April 2012 (10361) (Global)
By:Tiffany Crosara
Date: Fri,30 Mar 2012
Submitter:Tiffany Crosara
“The World always rights itself and finds its own point of natural balance. Dance to the drumbeat of The World through being naturally in h......View
Astro Tarot Channel for March 2012 (10134) (Global)
By:Tiffany Crosara
Date: Wed,29 Feb 2012
Submitter:Tiffany Crosara
Welcome to the AstroTarotChannel for March 2012. I feel that March this year is harder to tune into than any others so far, so I find mysel......View
AstroTarotChannel for January 2012 (44527) (Global)
By:Tiffany Crosara
Date: Sun,01 Jan 2012
Submitter:Tiffany Crosara
Welcome to 2012 and the first AstroTarotChannel of this long awaited year…
So are we likely to experience all or some of what the abound......View
Monthly Taroscope for October (13750) (Global)
By:Anne Marie Kell
Date: Fri,14 Oct 2011
Submitter:Anne Marie
ARIES: 21st March - 20th April
The Star card
Wow, this is the card we all want to see, and you are so lucky to have received this car......View
AstroTarotChannel For October 2011 (8356) (Global)
By:Tiffany Crosara
Date: Fri,23 Sep 2011
Submitter:Tiffany Crosara
“The giving of love is an education in itself.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt
With the Sun in Libra this month the spotlight is on relationship......View
Mer-Scopes for July 18th – July 24th (14374) (Global)
By:Aurora Brierley
Date: Fri,22 Jul 2011
Submitter:The Faerie Whisperer
Aries ~ Right now anything you put your mind to will turn to gold. King Midas, the King of MerLand is bestowing you with his gift of succes......View
The Energies for April 2009 (7189) (Oxfordshire)
By:Celia Fenn channelling Archangel Michael
Date: Fri,03 Apr 2009
The Infinite Abundance of the Golden Flame Activates the "Cosmic Egg"
Beloved Family of Light, at this time we celebrate with you the gr......View
The Energies of March 2009 (8316) (Oxfordshire)
By:Celia Fenn channelling Archangel Michael
Date: Wed,04 Mar 2009
Aligning With The Cosmic Sacred Heart
In the wake of the new Light Codes that were activated within the Sacred Earth geometric grids in ......View
Energies for February 2009 (14119) (Oxfordshire)
By:Celia Fenn channelling Archangel Michael
Date: Wed,04 Feb 2009
Beloved Lightworkers, as you enter this month of February, you are experiencing your Reality in a new way. You are beginning to experience ......View
Akashic Records for January 2009 (7322) (Oxfordshire)
By:Jen Eramith MA channelling from The Akashic Records
Date: Tue,06 Jan 2009
What energies and experiences can we expect during the month of January 2009?
There is a complete shift in energy that occurs just towa......View
The Energies Of 2008 (7229) (Essex)
By:Stefanie Miller
Date: Mon,22 Dec 2008
The past few weeks of December have been very intense for many of us. I have felt the energies building to an incredible peak. There have b......View
December 2008 Energies (9571) (Nottinghamshire)
By:Jill Harrison
Date: Tue,02 Dec 2008
Submitter:Jill Harrison
As we near the 21st December which is the date of the 2nd Ascension Activation Wave, you can expect a turbulent time during December.
The Energies for November 2008 (8864) (Oxfordshire)
By:Celia Fenn channelling Archangel Michael
Date: Tue,11 Nov 2008
The Song of Harmony
Beloved Lightworkers, the Energy of Change is moving across the Earth. As you pass through the 11:11 gateway,......View
The Akashic Records of November 2008 (8475) (Essex)
By:Jen Eramith MA channelling from The Akashic Records
Date: Tue,04 Nov 2008
What energy and experiences can we expect during the month of November 2008?
The overall energy of this month is an energy of recovery.......View
November 2008 Energies (7449) (Essex)
By:Jill Harrison
Date: Mon,03 Nov 2008
Submitter:Jill Harrison
As we move into November, you will find the we are all receiving crystalised energies to shift and clear distortion for our physical bodies......View
The Energies for October 2008 (12586) (Oxfordshire)
By:Celia Fenn channelling Archangel Michael
Date: Tue,07 Oct 2008
Co-Creating the New Holographic Patterns for the New Earth Reality as it takes Form on Earth
Beloved Lightworkers, as you enter into th......View
Energies for August (9618) (Global)
By:Jill Harrison
Date: Wed,06 Aug 2008
Submitter:Jill Harrison
As the elemental energies are increased upon planet Earth during August, you may well feel the need to release your inhibitions and explore......View