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We now have capacity to see beyond the cloud and veil of linear time and pure physical conditioning. Anytime I move to the area of past lives Egypt appears, the inside of the great pyramid with its myriad of chambers and underground tunnels is evident. I view the flames alight around the centre chamber and a circle of priests linking in with oneness to channel the information from our higher cousins and brothers and sisters. The secrets and ceremony’s were always there from the white brotherhood and lightworker lineage to protect us and keep the balance of the universe. When we journey back to our true selves now we can open the gates of time, the secrets and tools are now being given to us as we ascend in light. The pyramid a great tetrahedron gave those of us who had former incarnations there the ability to move between places in time, whilst remaining in physical form. We now have the benefits of more room to move, with the planets move to higher vibrations we can journey in the comfort of our own home, or even whilst out and about (as you become more stable in fourth dimensional consciousness), to visit our other selves inside ourselves. You are asked to answer your own questions about your past life meanderings, if you feel a pang for a certain place, a fear that seems illogical, a relationship which seems different from others, ask your higher self to direct you to your answers, to the reason. Allow the subtle visions, feelings or knowing to move you to your place of healing.
As I began again on this journey of ascension on earth, as I awoke I began connecting many features of my present life with other existences I have had (am having), I learned I had lived before in the particular area I moved to in this incarnation. I met again with my twin flame after many incarnations. As awareness grew I could visit certain places and see a different era present, I realised I was viewing different timelines from my third eye. In the particular area I live, I find I much prefer the location from the 1500’s. I have become able to lay my hands on buildings and see other periods in time and allow the earth to speak to me of the tales it has seen and felt. I have since met other lightworkers I encountered in these other lives and have brought together more pieces of the puzzle. When we journey to certain places or have a real passion for some aspects of life we are often recreating what has occurred in other incarnations, it is this you can utilise to guide you on your rediscovery.
As our light body grows and we move into more of our entire soul we pick up greater information, our brains become balanced; we allow unconscious material to bring aspects of our psyche and spirit into the full light of day. The aspect of our past lives are much the same, we can begin to see our story and learn where we have travelled and for what reasons. This allows you to find greater clarity about what you are learning in this moment and perhaps what you wish to avoid repeating again. Your higher self softly guides you to this information and as with all aspects of ascending I feel we need to become balanced in our approach to our awakening. If we focus purely on past lives or soul level healing we can avoid the psychological healing, if we work too greatly on our childhood and only this life, we can forget to heal aspects of what we have brought through into this life at a soul level. Past lives can create patterns and belief systems just as our socialisation and parenting can, our job is to begin a step by step process of indentifying our pain and fear and where these illusions stemmed from, which may be another incarnation or something implanted from this life.
As you discover your soul in other spaces in time you will feel a knowing that often causes a physical or emotional sensation. Your mind may judge, or disagree however if you have a knowing and clarification in your heart you have found your key. You can use your identification to receive healing and allow the pattern or effect of another life to release its hold. As you grow in light you can view more of your soul self in other spaces and dimensions, you can allow this knowledge to align what you are doing here even more, letting go of limitation and fear of death. As you reconnect with the cellular memory of the planet and of all humanoids you can begin to remember the very beginning and view your own soul journey as you came to be on mother earth. As a lightworker you may recall testing information and painful memories of the elitist control that has long been operating on the deliberate action of helping us forget, as you do so, feel the emotions and then let them pass through you. If you hold onto pain or hatred you cannot heal and rise higher. You may recall incarnations off earth and gain ability to connect with other multidimensional consciousness such as our galactic brothers. Each step you take you are seeing more of the picture and filling in the gaps. Yours is a personal journey but a personal journey that we are all taking together. This is because as our cellular memory indicates, we are intrinsically connected and as one person remembers and heals into higher vibrations of light, they add to the whole light content of the planet. We really do effect each other’s living every moment of the day. If you hold onto fear and pain you are also holding on to this for others, lowering the light vibrations of the planet. By all means do your healing and feel the dark emotions but then let them go and allow another person or your higher self to offer you their hand as they pull you back into the stream of light waves!
This is such an amazing journey and I have a funny feeling I have been here before. Perhaps you too are a dab hand at ascension? Although this time around is a ride that has never quite existed before because planet earth is a real challenge, we’ve started at the bottom and we are riding it to the top.
Hanna Ehlers is a Metaphysical and Spiritual Teacher, assisting lightworkers with their ascension. This April Hanna has organised a special Past Life Workshop to assist lightworkers with their remembering, for more details look below:
Visiting Past Lives Workshop
Saturday 10th April 1.30 - 5.30 £45 (£15 deposit)
Quaker friends Meeting House, 18 Dundonald Drive, Leigh, Essex, SS9 1NB
In this four hour workshop we will explore the world and theories of past lives. A "past life" is a term we use from linear perspective to explain that our soul has lived before in past history in another body. In terms of a more multidimensional perspective, (which is where we are heading) these lives, past and future are actually operating simultaneously. In the workshop we will visit other lives and send healing to assist with the NOW. We will discuss our thoughts and feelings about our fears, phobias and loves which may have derived from another incarnation and the workshop holds an aim to go intensely into deeper trance states of awareness so we can gain access to unconscious material and our cellular memory. We will do this by darkening the room and using ceremony and sound. You will be able to be involved in the following activities:
•Group meditation with ceremony welcoming in the sacred elements, to visit other soul selves / fragments
•Sound healing meditation, welcoming in our soul group family who assist us with healing the family and ancestral line
•Circle meditation to connect with our cellular memory to remember our soul journey on earth from our first incarnation
•Psychic attack release and auric clearing
•Practicing past life meditation in pairs
•Time for breaks and refreshments
Please bring a packed lunch should you desire substantial feeding, as the work may likely make you hungry!
Please contact Hanna to book or find out more: 07703022129 /
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